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Hi. Are there any women in, or around, Billings, Montana, or for that matter, anywhere in Montana, Wyoming or Idaho, that are on this site. I am a straight male, seeking a woman who likes to get either muddy or messy (especially with chocolate). I am almost 66 years old and have been divorced for a long time. Would like to meet someone that I can fall in love with and live happily ever after. Preferably in the Billings, Montana area! If you are interested, drop me a line, or if you see me online, let's chat.

If you don't like the chat function here on UMD, I have accounts on WamChat and Discord, with "vols4everus" being my name on those sites. I love to chat, and for those of you who like to have messy fun via roleplay, I am into that, too. If you send me a friend invite, I will accept.
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friended 6/3/23
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friended 5/26/23
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friended 3/25/22
Profile Wall
vols4everus  6/6/24
Okay, so within 24 hours I had three beautiful women WAM me. I am so going to get some messy payback. HA! Forfun smeared a cake on me. Bagheera started a huge cakefight with me. LOL! At lest I did get a few cakes of my own on her. And Brattyshortcakes dumped me in a bathtub of warm mud. What did you guys do? Get together and compare notes. Who told you that I was out of Wams? I am going to get you guys back. Just you wait and see. HA!Report
Jayce  6/5/24
Hey darling! I didn't see an email from you about that- I still have a couple days before mud so? If you are interested email jcustom4u @ gmail.com ! Report
vols4everus  5/21/24
Oh Bagheera, you mean so much to me. You take my stories and bring them to life. I really like it when you cuss me out just like in my stories. I only wish we lived close to each other where we could actually do a scene together. Ha! Who knows. Maybe someday. Report
Wam Bagheera Studio  5/9/24
That's right my dear Bobby, it was a close battle in the chocolate wrestling ring, I think it really ended in a good scene if you like chocolate and busty girls fighting and playing inside a pool full of sticky dark chocolate, the Coverage was magical and felt incredible! Thank you for writing these messy stories and I feel honored to be able to bring them to life! Report
vols4everus  5/9/24
Well, she's done it again. HA! Bagheera, of Wam Bagheera Studio, has gone above and beyond, once again. In her first time in the messy wrestling arena Bagheera and Taina go round and round until they are so covered in chocolate gunk that they are just about unrecognizable. And it was all part of a two-part custom shot that Bagheera did for me. This, time, though, she put it on her store before I had the final copy of my story finished so I was not able to give advance notice. But now, you can read the story to go along with her video, and if you have not already bought the video, I highly re...Report
vols4everus  4/29/24
Hey guys. Bagheera has done it again. For the third time, now, we have collaborated on turning my story into her chocolate mess. And she just keeps getting better. We decided on a double-hitter this time. I asked if she was going to do another chocolate wrestling scene, and would she be in it this time. She said yes. And this time, we got a ton of chocolate and she did the first scene, "Bagheera's Third Messy Loss" and then kept all the chocolate from that one for the second one, a scene where she and Taina wrestle in all that chocolate glop. She has put the first one on her store for purchase...Report
vols4everus  3/31/24
Happy Easter, All!Report
vols4everus  3/14/24
HI everyone! I hope you are having wet and messy fun galore! HA! I have just posted my latest creation, "Mel's Messy Comeuppance." My good friend MessyLove91 turned this story into the most wonderful video. You really must see it. She gets so covered in chocolate. AND, she gets really turned on with each chocolate pie hit and when the chocolate goo gets poured over her head, WOW! She told me that she will be adding the video to her store very soon, so be on the lookout for it. For those of you who like watching beautiful girls get completely covered in chocolate this video will be for you. Me...Report
vols4everus  2/24/24
Thank you Brooke. Your comment made me very happy. I would love to chat with you some time.Report
Eagleeyed  1/8/24
Thanks for the friend request and kind message, absolutely loving it. Report
vols4everus  12/30/23
I can't believe I just did this. Hope someone out there likes it. Report
vols4everus  12/28/23
Hey guys. Brattyshortcakes has done it again. She did another custom for me. It was a sequel to our first adventure. And I just posted the story for the video. I hope you like it.Report
vols4everus  12/25/23
I just wanted to wish a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to all my friends. This has been a very trying year for all of us. And i have a feeling next year might be even worse. But it is the wonderful people that are in the UMD net that have helped a lot. Thank you. I really hope to make MDXX 2024 this year. it would be better and more realistic for me if it was held in Denver as one person suggested, but I am game for Vegas if I can swing it.Report
vols4everus  12/18/23
Hi, again. Ha! I just got a chance to watch the custom scene Bagheera did for me, all the way through. WOW!!!!! I can't say enough about this magnificent scene she filmed for me. And it was from my story and Bagheera did such a wonderful job. You have got to see it. She should have it on her store, today, for sale! Report
vols4everus  12/18/23
I don't know why it didn't take all of my description. I was under 750 characters. But here is the end of it. Again, I cannot say enough about what Bagheera has done. You really need to see her video, even if you aren't a big chocolate lover. For pure mess, this tops them all. Payback is So Sweet: Bagheera Receives Her Messy Comeuppance," is some of my finest WAM work so far. And now you will be able to see the video, as Bagheera will be uploading it to her store. I highly recommend you get it. I guarantee you will like it as much as I did. HA!Report
vols4everus  12/17/23
Hi everyone. Bagheera has done it again. And has she EVER done it. WOW! After the beautiful and very talented Bagheera turned my story, "THIS MEANS WAR: A Chocolate Lover's Delight" into a magnificent work of art that would rival anything coming out of Hollywood, she asked me if I would write another story for her where she would get even more messy with various types of chocolate than before. You can't know how much that meant to me, so naturally I had to do my best. ayback is So Sweet: Bagheera Receives Her Messy Comeuppance," is some of my finest WAM work so far. And now you will be able...Report
vols4everus  11/27/23
Hi everyone. It's been awhile since I posted a story, but now I have one for you. First I want to say, I hope all my American friends had a wonderful Thanksgiving. And for all my international friends, I hope you had a wonderful weekend, too! My friend, Chloe G, of PieroProductions, recently turned my story, "So, You Think You Know It All!" into a custom scene. And I loved it. They haven't been on UMD long, but have produced some really nice stuff. I told Chloe to take my story and run with it. And she did! Some of her ad libs were really over the top. LOL! I highly recommend you purchase...Report
WamByWamStudio  9/22/23
Thank you for all your support and love, have a very messy weekend Report
AngieWAM  9/16/23
Thank You for your purchase honey, enjoy Chocolat Experience: Extra Creamy Pudding Report
Wam Bagheera Studio  9/13/23
Thanks for Purchase and Support Baby!! Love U!! Report
Ariandfriends  8/28/23
Hey! hey! honey honey, thank you for your purchases! thanks for the support! thanks for the love!Report
vols4everus  8/11/23
Hi everyone! Now that Hikari WAM has uploaded her latest Pay Scene, I am uploading the story behind it. I wrote "Hikari and Paoli fight over a Boy!" And, they made a wonderful video. I highly recommend it.Report
Ariandfriends  7/24/23
Hello, thank you for your purchase, sir.Report
vols4everus  7/20/23
What is going on. Is there a purple moon or something. Since yesterday, I have had five beautiful women gang up and WAM me. I'm feeling a lot of love out there. LOL!Report
vols4everus  7/19/23
Well, someone must not have liked my last story, "Silly Lilly the Sillybitch: Can't Win for Losing: Part 2 The Rematch." They gave me a rating of only 1 heart.Report
vols4everus  7/16/23
So, it's still too long. That sucks. This is the third part of my posting. Again, sorry for the confusion. Sillybitch liked the story so much that she asked me to write another one for her. It has taken quite some time to write the story and then get it the way I wanted. But now, I finally have the finished form and am ready to upload it to my Blog section on UMD. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing the story. Sillybitch, this is for you! Report
vols4everus  7/16/23
So, my original post was about 400 characters longer than I am allowed to post, so I had to break it in half. This is actually the second part. Sorry for the confusion. Sillybitch told me of 'some' of the things she had done in the past, and some of the messes. Then she told me to add whatever I wanted to. So I did. Another friend of mine had gotten really trashed when the University of Georgia defeated the University of Alabama for the NCAA championship a few years ago. She had given me the list of all the different things she had been obligated to do. I used a lot of those. LOL! And I had...Report
vols4everus  7/16/23
Hi everyone. Last year, my friend, sillybitch asked me to write a story for her. Sillybitch is a wonderful person and she loves to take dares that involve her wearing some strange items of clothing, plus getting really messy. Ha! I had a lot of fun with writing the story.Report
Ariandfriends  7/6/23
Hello, thank you very much for your purchase! I send you kissesReport
vols4everus  7/2/23
OH, I just said "what is wrong with this world?" LOL! NOT A SINGLE THING! Ha!Report
vols4everus  7/2/23
What is wrong with this world. I finally go to bed, after working all night, and I wake up to find three beautiful women have WAMMED me. First, Hikari gets completely covered in chocolate and then gives me a big hug. Hikari, if you did that, you would feel a big stiff poke along about where your waist is. Then Wam Bagheera Studio dumps me into a big vat of warm chocolate pudding. Well Bagheera, you know where that will lead to. I WILL yank your ass in that muck with me. And that big stiffy that Hikari started would turn into a full out erection. And then there is my long-time friend Brattyshor...Report
vols4everus  6/30/23
Hi everyone. I'm back. And you know me. It's all about the mud! Ha! Or the chocolate! Or the mud and the chocolate, though I haven't done one of those yet! My new friend, Bagheera has come to our messy world here at the UMD, and she is amazing. She did a really messy custom for me, using copious amounts of chocolate. And I got to write the story. Ha! "THIS MEANS WAR: A Chocolate Lover's Delight" is full of twists and turns, and of course one very messy Latino bombshell. I hope hope you like the story. Tonight, at midnight Bagheera will have the video for sale on her store. I highly recommend...Report
vols4everus  6/15/23
It's been a long time coming, but I just posted my latest story, "Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave: A Lost Bet, Indeed!" I wrote this story some time ago, for dormant and AimMePie to make a custom. Dormant likes to wait awhile after doing a custom before he puts it on his store. So I waited until he did so. I hope you like the story as much as I liked the scent that they produced for me. P.S. If you like chocolate, you will love seeing a chocolate covered AimMePie. While I'm on the subject of chocolate-covered girls, if you haven't already purchased your copy of Brattyshortcakes, "I Told You So...Report
vols4everus  5/16/23
Hi everyone. It's been awhile since I have written anything here. But Now that Brattyshortcakes has added "I Told You So: Chocolate Heaven!" to her store, I wanted to share the story with you. A couple months ago, Bratty and I came up with an idea for a custom scene involving copious amounts of chocolate. And I must say I was very pleased with the end results of her excellent work. If you like a beautiful woman, covered in chocolate, then you will want to purchase her video. If you haven't already seen the video, then perhaps, after reading my story, you will want to. Thanks to all my friends...Report
vols4everus  3/3/23
Hi everyone. It's been a while coming, but I finally finished something i have been working on for a few months. It is another sequel, this time to "Mud on the Water." I dedicated this one to my Latina friend who has been an inspiration. She liked my first story of muddy love and said she would like to read another one with plenty of cakes. I think I managed to accompish that task with "Mud on the Water: A Messy Sequel." I hope you enjoy reading this racy story as much as I enjoyed rwriting it.Report
vols4everus  1/27/23
Hi everyone. I hope this finds all my fellow wammers doing well. The long-awaited sequel to "A 4th of July Mud Larking Aventure: Brooke Battles Bobby in the Mud!" is now ready to be aired. And in true fashion, our dynamic duo are at it again. But this time, they trade mother nature's field of mud for a patio of chocolate and other delectables. In what will surely go down as one of the great pie fight scenes of all time, our favorite couple get down and dirty, and I do mean DIRTY! Ha!Report
vols4everus  1/17/23
Hi everyone. Well, after going so long without posting any new material, I am laying out my second story within a week. When DMarieAllWet asked me to write a story for her to film while using a friend's swimming pool, my heart soared. Nobody had ever asked me to write a story for her to film. Naturally, I had to do the best job I could. I hope you like this story and enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. Thank you.Report
vols4everus  1/12/23
Hi everyone. It has been quite sometime since I have added a blog, but now I have one, and its a doozy. My good friend FSChloe has filmed two customs for me, and this last one is even better than the first. More importantly, she allowed me to write the story and she and her husband Billie filmed it. They did a fantastic job and will be putting the scene on their store for sale this Friday. I highly recommend it. So without further ado, I bring to you, SORRY CHLOE: YOU LOST! Report
vols4everus  1/8/23
I'm tired now. I am going to bed. But the last 24 hours have been fantastic! Report
vols4everus  12/24/22
Hi to all my friends out there. It's been a messy year, in more ways than one. LOL! But as this time year comes to a close, I just wanted to wish all my new-found friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Report
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