| | $15.99 | Mary found herself sinking into another quicksand, the traditional way: just walking along, and then it happened. Again. But this time, she had every reason to believe that the ground in front of her was solid and stable. Because the ground was like...
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| | $12.50 | Mary bought an abandoned farm and went to explore her new plot. Passing through the thickets, she came to a hole filled with a yellow clay substance. This hole was probably left by the former owners. There was a plank across the pit, like a bridge to...
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| | $12.99 | Many people have heard about deep sphagnum bogs and how dangerous they are. So if you see bright green moss, you should be careful. It could be sphagnum moss covering a bottomless peat bog. If you still don't know what happens if you find yourself in...
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| | $13.50 | How to become a goth? This question is still of interest to some boys and girls. Most often, a goth initiation rite is needed. There are many ways to initiate a goth, but Mary's is the most original. In her opinion, you just need to completely immer...
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| | $11.99 | This is one of those videos we shoot to test our new mud pit ideas. Therefore, there is no plot and backstory here, you will just enjoy Mary's gradual immersion in the quicksand. Mary is actively floundering, sinking deeper and deeper into this black...
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| Pink Sink
Added 10/24/21 15462 views |
 Love you, too
| 16 |
| $13.99 | After a long pause, Mary returns to the screens!
Today she is dressed in a delicate translucent pink nightie. Her hair is braided in African braids. Unaware of the danger, she approaches the quicksand trap, takes a step, falls into black mud and beg...
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| | $11.99 | We ourselves do not fully understand what we wanted to do initially. xD But in the end it turned out something funny and sexy.
So what do we have?
Mary is wearing a dark green dress, long black gloves and looks like a gothic girl. Soon she will tak...
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| | $8.99 | This is the second part of the new adventures of Mary. Exhausted and dirty, Mary continues to struggle with mud captivity. Underwear constantly slides off her body, exposing her buttocks and tits. She gets out and jumps into the mud again, tries to g...
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| | $10.99 | Today, Mary looks especially. She wore a burgundy erotic suit. Stockings, corset and shirt are sexually wrapped around her body.
Mary found a new "mud bath" near the creek. She steps into the thick mud. It is a viscous clay, a real quicksand. Her cl...
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