Scene reviews
Sent by real customers
Hot blonde in "chocolate" pit
Though the substance is mud, Lucy Kitty is in "chocolate," as that's what it looks like. As she struggles to get out, her top is pulled down. That's how thick it is! As she's almost under, you wonder if Lucy is panicking... or enjoying it. The look on her face makes it hard to tell. The bonus video shows her go under again and again, completely slathered.
Get this one, folks!
Latex maxi skirt muddy! Plus the tits
This is a great video even I have a midi leather skirt and mesh top just recently worn a similar outfit but I love wearing these for my Alternative fashion But If I had to this I would have to find a eastury somewhere. But I love the latex skirt when she gets it muddy.
You'll Want Headphones for This One, Ladies and Gentlemen!
How do these guys keep toping themselves like this!? Seriously! And how do I get the recipe for what they're cooking over there across the pond?
Lucy is dressed absolutely Ravishingly before showing in a split second just how deep this "chocolate" pond is--although it's more akin to mousse or brownie batter than just melted chocolate. The texture is just so viscus that it looks like Lucy was probably carrying the equivalent of her own body weight in mud alone while struggling to crawl out at the end of the bonus vid!
You Definitely want a good pair of headphones for this scene, since this stuff makes some incredibly yummy noises--as does Lucy herself.
Supertar Angel
You videos are amazing and Angel is a joy to watch as she bobs around goes under and then comes bck up to fight for more a little bit longer.
Flippin gorgeous.
Wow, what can I say? Considering this is just a twelve minute film it packs such a powerful punch. For anyone who's a fan of seeing beautiful girls struggling in a pit of gloop this is pretty special. Angel is gorgeous; a natural performer, and her gasps and expressions as she fearlessly twists and flails about makes it feel so believable. And the joy seems to go on and on! Beautiful, and electrifyingly erotic.
Cute girl sinking into bog
Awesome video, thank you very talented and beautifull Tiny Soya for making these vids.
Big trouble for Tiny
Tiny finds herself in a lot of trouble, after stumbling upon an abandoned farm. Next to said farm is a mud pit, which she finds out the hard way is quicksand. The Thick creamy quicksand is too much for her. Her cute face, and gorgeous eyes, slowly get engulfed in the muck. The bonus video show how filthy she got during the making of the scene. She even goes under a few more times.
I recommend this one, if you like "peril" WAM movies, or if you love seeing women getting slathered in filth.
The moment she went from playful to and epic struggle amazing
Wonderful done and phenomenal scene. I can't wait to see all the others now. Though I will await the one thing to follow how long the secne is yet Angel doesn't disappoint at all. Though would wonder if a story went with this might helped. But in any case we'll done can't wait buy the others now.
I can't think of anything clever to say; just buy this scene!
If you are a fan of any of the following:
- Quicksand/Mud
- Chocolate/Slime
- Submerging
- Reemerging
- Full Coverage
... or any combination of those things, this scene is an instant add-to-cart. The trailer and preview pics only do it so much justice... it only gets better from there. It actually begins with a refreshing surprise. No spoilers, but let's just say her entrance into this chocolate-like morass is not your typical "oops I just walked into quicksand" affair.
And after a little more than half the run time you get a very gradual submergence that, honestly, drove me nuts in the best possible way! And me personally, I'm a fan of scenes where someone sinking reemerges rather than cutting to black, and when she reemerges here... that was it for me..... And then it keeps going! If you are a fan of seeing a QS actress struggle/flounder about trying to stay afloat, while also completely covered, this is The Scene.
Angel is one of those rare QS actresses that truly goes all in in convincing the camera that she's struggling to keep her head above the surface, so much so it almost seems like she could be in real trouble. All the while never wiping her face till the very end when she gets a grip on the edge of the pit.
Tldr: Buy this scene and keep supporting QS4Ever!

Another Great endeavor, just great.
Great Scene by a very talented and lovely young lady, always look forward to the new releases, appreciate the hard work and effort that is put in to making this site even has the current conflict is ongoing.
Love the struggle
These desperate struggling to get out videos are honestly the best. I hope they never stop making them. I would Love to see Mary and Tiny do these videos as well, and would especially love to see Mary Orchid do them while shoeless in tights or long socks.
Love the struggle!
These desperate struggling to get out videos are honestly the best. I hope they never stop making them. I would Love to see Mary and Tiny do these videos as well, and would especially love to see Mary Orchid do them while shoeless in tights or long socks.
Another great from Xandra
Another great scene from Xandra, hope to see more of her again soon, i enjoyed this one as much as the previous one she starred in.
Sending our love to you all in Ukraine from the U.k, stay safe & hope the soldiers keep extra safe defending your country & hope it all ends very soon.
Bad Habits
Loved the video but there was a scene that confused me. At 41seconds, she takes a bite out of a pear she picked, but then proceeds to place the bitten pear in the bag. Who does that? (joke) Stay safe. Love your content. Whole world stands with you right now.
Can I join?
The exceptionally gorgeous Tiny Soya is, as ever, stunning as she explores a mudscape that looks ready to swallow her. Oh, to be that mud... or in that mud.
Everything is perfect here: a devastatingly sexy woman, the deep, thick, clinging mud she's sinking into, the squelching sounds as she tries to move while she's waist deep, the way the mud undulates as she struggles in it... I just can't get enough of this scene and of Tiny.
Different, gorgeous.
I might be a bit biased, because I'm completely in love with Tiny Soya, but this was incredible. We see a little bit of it all: seduction, fear, submersions (plural), and Tiny's gorgeous body. More than worth the price of admission!
Gorgeous full figured white girl vs thick black mud. Buy it!
If you enjoy seeing a gorgeous young full figured blond with porcelain skin and great tits squelching and gyrating around in thick black mud, you'll enjoy this offering.
She looked so sexy in the white underwear and i just loved the contrast of the dark black mud against her pale white skin. I only wish the producer offered photo-sets too.